The experimental short film "Alexithymie" is the collaborative effort of director Kevin Kaufmann and writer Benjamin Straumann. The film delves into the life of an unnamed office worker who is struggling to exercise his own emotions in the face of overwhelming media stimulation.
Throughout the film, we see the protagonist experiencing vivid and intense visions of various emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness and despair. He becomes fixated on these fleeting feelings, desperate to capture and hold onto them.
As the emotions become more intense and overwhelming, the protagonist's grip on reality begins to slip. In a climactic scene, he destroys the computer in front of him, symbolically rejecting the media overload and reclaiming his own emotions.
Through its powerful visuals and evocative storytelling, "Alexithymie" challenges viewers to consider the impact of media on our emotions and to question whether we can truly exercise our own feelings in an increasingly digital world.